History of the Dogo Argentino
BEST DOGO ARGENTINO was visioned by Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez, in 1928, in the province of Cordoba, Argentina. He started with the old fighting dog of Cordoba, a dog which was very strong and vigorous but lacked the ability to hunt in a group. It is a crossbreed among Mastiff, Bulldog and Bull Terrier.
Through methodical crossbreeding of several pure breeds, it became not only an excellent big game hunting dog but also very versatile regarding function. It has proved to be a noble companion and a loyal and insurmountable protector of those it loves. Its strength, tenacity, sharp sense of smell and bravery make it the best dog among those used for hunting wild boars, pumas and in my case even small game like pheasants. Argentine Dogos have also been successfully used in obedience and agility trials, therapy, Schutzhund, French Ring Sport, weight pulling, sled racing, search and rescue and police work, even as seeing eye dogs.
Its harmony, balance and its excellent athletic muscles are ideal characteristics for these multiple functions.
Dr. Raul Zeballos introduced El Dogo Argentino to the United States in 1970, where it enjoys increasing popularity. By now, this breed has found its way into the hearts of many followers across five continents.
On a more personal note, I was captivated by this versatility in function of the Dogo Argentino. I started my journey with Dogo Argentinos in 2008.
Fighting Dog of Cordoba

My translation of an unedited text written by Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez, delivered to the Dogueros of Cordoba by Antonio’s widow, Herminia del Castillo de Nores, and Antonio’s son, Abel Nores. They dedicated it to “All those that think that they know more than the founder of the breed.”
It is enough for me to remind you that in science the best path is the one that leads to finding the truth for ourselves, the one that allows us to stay free of outside interests, whether they be doctrinal, certain schools, or money, and reclaim within our field of investigation, our autonomy and the freedom of observation, which are indispensable to scientific truth.
And to put at your disposal the necessary documentation that proves that the DOGO ARGENTINO is a genetic problem that has been solved.
I believe that this is an opportune time to share the following reflection: those who talk about things of which they are ignorant show no signs of intelligence, nor discretion, and on the contrary, can fall into foolishness and stupidity.
I invite you to bring me any purebred dog of any breed in the world, of any size and weight and prove that it can beat a DOGO ARGENTINO in a fight, and then show me the dog’s conditions for Monteria hunting in our country. As we criollos say, “Racehorses are proven on the track.”
I ask for your forgiveness if I have put a little passion into this, but as a manner of explanation, I would remind you that passion is the engine, the propulsive force behind ideas, and ideas that are born without passion, are stillborn, and because of this, the history of humanity has been no more than the history of human passion, the biography of man’s great passions.”